
First sound from mars captured by NASA’s insight lander

Now human can hear the blowing wind sound from Mars. Eventually, this is the first sound from Mars ever recorded by NASA’s Insight Lander.

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NASA’s Insight Lander

In short, InSight means, ‘Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport‘. It was launched on May 5, 2018, with the help of an Atlas V rocket. On November 26, 2018, it was landed on the Martian surface.

The craft is sent to investigate the seismic plates of the Mars and it will drill about 10 to 16 feet into the mars crust to gather the geographical data. It also sent more photos of the surrounding area before this wind sound recording.

First sound from mars is recorded

The atmosphere on the mars has a thin CO2 and it doesn’t translate the high sounds much. So that the recorded audio from the NASA’s insight lander is under 50Hz and it’s not audible for the human. To hear the sound, the Insight lander’s scientists has amplified the frequency up to 100 times than they received i.e., two octaves. Below is the video embedded with the audio received from the NASA’s insight lander.

The recorded sound is a strong wind is blowing at an average speed of 10 to 15 mph. It was captured by the moving solar panels on the craft. Two sensors were picked up the vibrations an air pressure sensor inside the lander and a seismometer on the lander’s deck, waiting to be deployed to the surface by InSight’s robotic arm.

“This is the very first fifteen minutes of data that have come from the short period seismometer,” said Thomas Pike, lead investigator at Imperial College London, during a conference call with reporters. “It’s a little like a flag waving in the wind,” he added.

The recorded moving wind from the northwest to southeast at around 5 pm local time was an “unplanned treat” said Bruce Banerdt, InSight principal investigator at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California.

The original soundtrack by the NASA can be discovered here.

Also read – HAARP: Secret Weapon to change Weather?

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