
Facebook ‘logs out’ thousands of Tinder users

Facebook ‘logs out’ thousands of Tinder users:


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Facebook already under the hammer for breaching data and privacy of many users is now again creating a problem for its users. This time users from Tinder app have reported that they are unable to login to their account using Facebook. Some of the users took to Twitter for reporting the issues they are facing while logging into the app.

The Tinder users revealed that they are facing a lot of problem in logging into the app because of the policy changes made by Facebook. Whenever a user logs into the app using their Facebook account, it asks to provide Facebook some more permissions.

However, when they tap on ‘ask me’, the app requests them to again log onto Facebook. The same process keeps on repeating and the users are not able to access their Tinder accounts. Downdetector has also reported the same issue which keeps a track of app and website usages. The company, however, has acknowledged the issue as reported by The Wired and is working on a fix.

Interestingly, according to app analytics company App Annie, Tinder was the second-most downloaded paid app in India during the year 2017.

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