
Google Working With Unity On ‘Android Game SDK’ To Help Flourish Gaming

Google Working With Unity On ‘Android Game SDK’ To Help Flourish Gaming On The Platform.

Gaming has been another part of daily usage of our smartphones and computers. The gaming industry has always been flourishing and is somewhat the major reason for the development of highly efficient processors and Graphic Processing units.

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But, the time has changed now. The gaming industry which once used to console and PC-oriented seems to be now shifting towards the mobile gaming industry. In fact, nowadays the Mobile Industry seems to be a better spot to breed on for gaming developers.

Keeping all this in perspective, Google has decided to partner up with Game developing company Unity to work towards developing a new Android Game SDK that will bring in a new and totally different experience for the hardcore gamers.

According to a report published, this SDK will improve the overall game development experience for game makers by making the process less complex. It will also provide “better control over the complex details of the 3D graphics” without the need to make device specific optimizations.

The report also cites that the SDK had actually appeared back in September and includes Vulkan graphics API-based Swappy library. Swappy is meant to provide better controls over “thing like the swap interval” to game developers.

It has also been seen in the recent leaks of Android Q, that there’s a separate option for “Game Update Package Preferences” which does seem to be somewhat connected to the matter. In fact, the new SDK claims to perform better when it comes to Unity games.

Although, the SDK might turn out to be universal and may improve the user’s overall gaming experience. With the evolution of action and graphics packed games like PUBG, the alarm for the gaming industry to step up in the mobile department has been rung.

There is no official information on if and when the company plans to launch the SDK but looking at the development, it still appears like early days. It is possible that the actual SDK may still be months away from a proper release for developers.

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