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Google Assistant can now do things automatically at a scheduled time

As noticed a post of Droid-Life, Google enhancing Google Assistant a bit with two new features:
- Custom Routines,
- Schedules.
These two features will automate most of the things you do regularly but in a bit different ways. The first thing in this feature is it will let you perform multiple commands in a single phrase – like saying “Hey Google, I’m awake” to unsilence your phone, turn on the lights and read the news. In the meantime, the schedules will perform a series of commands at a specific time on a specific day, without you need to say anything.
While custom routines launched almost immediately after I/O, scheduling has been curiously absent. It’s starting to roll out Yesterday.
To make a Scheduled task:
- Open the Google Home app
- Go to Settings -> Routines
- Create a new routine with the + button
- Scroll to the “Set a time and day” option to schedule things ahead of time
If you can’t see the “time and day” option yet in your Google Assistant app, check back in a couple of days. Google is rolling out the features over the next few days (generally done in case there’s some bug it missed), so it might pop up without much fanfare.
Need your room lights to turn on each morning at 7 am on workdays? You can do that. Need that melody from the Six Flags ads to play each day at twelve to get you past the halfway point or potentially drive your flatmates up a divider? Beyond any doubt! Need to twofold check the entryway bolt, diminish the ground floor lights and ensure your stimulation focus is off at 2 am? On the off chance that you have all the savvy home equipment required, it ought to have the capacity to deal with it.
Already there have few third-party apps of Google Assistant to do the Scheduled Tasks. This moves to bring everything under one rooftop while giving you a chance to shoot more convoluted arrangements at the same time. If something happened or have some questions, you’ll know where to go.